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網(wǎng)站:公文素材庫 | 時間:2019-05-22 12:28:07 | 移動端:對動物好的英語演講稿(精選多篇)





mammoth enterprise:龐大的企業(yè)

obama healthcare reform bill is a mammoth job killer


很可愛的一個形容詞哦,比起giant、enormous要形象很多,大家可以學著使用 動物英語:“安哥拉長毛兔”的國籍不是安哥拉


可愛的angora rabbit分好幾個breed,種類,比較著名的有english,英系安哥拉;french,法系安哥拉;german,德系安哥拉;satin angora,緞毛安哥拉(產自加拿大)與 giant angora,巨型安哥拉(產自美國)。

安哥拉兔兔是一種domestic rabbit,家兔,價值就在于又長又軟的兔毛,18世紀中期,安哥拉兔兔也是法國皇室貴族很喜歡的一種寵物。兔兔那一身的毛是怎么剪下來的呢?通常情況下有這幾種剪毛的方法:shearing, 用大剪刀剪,就像剪羊毛那樣;combing, 梳理;plucking,摘、拔(這個會痛的吧?)

其實毛長了也會造成困擾:regardless of breed, all angoras must be monitored to prevent www.seogis.comice. 戴手套的貓,老鼠抓不到。(不愿吃苦的人成不了大事業(yè)。)

(5) www.seogis.comad. 欲加之罪,何患無詞.

(2) a staff is quickly found to beat a dog www.seogis.com) bite. 愛叫的狗很少咬人。

(7) let sleeping dogs lie. 勿惹事生非。

(8) dead dogs bite not. 死狗不咬人。

(9) all are not thieves that dogs bark at. 狗見了叫的不一定都是賊。(不


(10) every dog is a lion at home. 狗在家門口就成了獅子。

(11) don’t be a dog (lying) in the manger. 莫學狗占馬槽不吃草。(不要占著茅坑不拉屎。)

(12) dog does not eat dog. 同類不相殘。

(13) scornful dogs www.seogis.come for the hen to look out. 狐貍說它吃素的時候,母雞就得注意。


8. fish

(1) the best fish swww.seogis.comake him drink. 帶馬到河邊容易,逼馬飲水難。

(2) don’t ride the high horse. 勿擺架子。

(3) a good horse cannot be of a bad colour. 好馬不會毛色差。

(4) a horse may stumble on four feet. 馬有四條腿,亦有失蹄時。

(5) a running horse needs no spur. 奔馬無需鞭策。

(6) don’t put the cart before the horse. 不要將大車套在馬前面。(處理問題應按先后次序,不要本末倒置。)

(7) the common horse is www.seogis.comouse

(1) it is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟。

(2) the mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken. 只有一個洞的老鼠,很快就被抓住。

(3) a speck of mouse dung www.seogis.comake a spring. 孤燕不報春。

(2) one swww.seogis.comy favorite animals 作文賞析

the king of grassland

lions are the king of grassland. they make people feel scary to look at them, even to think about them.lions are aggressive energetic animals that have short slender legs, strong bodies, long tails, and huge heads. lions have a heavy coat of fur, and their manes are fluffy.

they are nimble runners and possess speed, grace, and endurance. lions have developed acute senses of sight and smelling.

they feed mainly on meat. antelopes are their favorite preys.

most lions in the www.seogis.comastiffs live in tibet. they are one of the most fierce and noble animals in the www.seogis.comost full-growww.seogis.comost tibetan mastiffs can only live on highland, but people bring them to inland for trade and money. protecting animals is everyone’s responsibility. only www.seogis.comarkable. www.seogis.comy knees and licks my hand softly. she lets me forget all the unhappiness. because of her, i www.seogis.comy favorite animal

my favorite animal is my small cat snowww.seogis.come www.seogis.come goes by, i realize that snowww.seogis.come food and put them into a case, then i www.seogis.come and touch my hand. www.seogis.comy best friend in my eyes. so i cant’s stop loving her.

yuan yuan is a beautiful girl. she has pure www.seogis.com)ver. she alwww.seogis.come for all my mistakes www.seogis.comountains in northeast china.

as for the reason that i like northeast tigers best is that they look very beautiful and they are quite agile. unluckily, instead of protecting those creatures of the nature, lots of people kill them for their fur. that’s www.seogis.comps and so on.

as for the reason that l like dolphins best is that dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. they never attack people. instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. howww.seogis.com, maybe www.seogis.comountains in northeast china. they look very beautiful because they are not only reddish tan, but also have special fascinating stripes. most of them are 1 meter tall and 2.2 meters long, and their www.seogis.com in harmony. and it’s also our duty to protect the northeast tigers.

lovely koalas

there are many kinds of animals in the zoo, such as pandas, monkeys and so on . but if i www.seogis.comals are our friends and www.seogis.come small animals. some people think they are kind of scary, but i think they are beautiful, as they are striped and reddish tan. it’s pity that there are only 10-20 www.seogis.com..

these beautiful tigers are called northeast tigers because they live in forests and mountains in northeast china. they are 1 meter high, 2.2 meters long and their www.seogis.com any more. let’s protect them and enjoy our lives together.

pandas are my favorite animals. they are one of the most precious animals.

they have many beautiful soft fur www.seogis.comber of the panda is smaller and smaller. because of the forest is going to disappear, some people www.seogis.com as freely as fish.有些蛇生活在水里,他們能像魚一樣飛速的游移。

snakes are cold-blooded animals. in www.seogis.cometimes can see a snake eat a sparrowww.seogis.com to have human feelings. they can change into pretty girls. people like and respect them. the most www.seogis.comake valuable drugs www.seogis.comouth. my dog is smart. i like my dog. do you like it?

2、貓(a cat)www.seogis.comy favorite food. i like mice too. guess! www.seogis.comy homewww.seogis.comuch. i have a good friend. she’s my little master. her name is zhou xun. we always play games together. i like her very much and she likes me, too.

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