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網(wǎng)站:公文素材庫 | 時間:2019-05-22 12:29:20 | 移動端:一口氣英語演講

4_01 id like around –trip ticket

i’m going to newww.seogis.comotional rates?你們有沒有促銷價?

my departure time is flexible.我的出發(fā)時間很有彈性.i don’t mind a stopover. 我不介意中途停留.

i www.seogis.come a first rowww.seogis.commigration

here’s my passport. 這是我的護照.

here’s my immigration form. 這是我的入境表.

my return ticket is inside. 我的回程機票在里面.

i just arrived from taiwww.seogis.come. 感謝你幫忙.

4_05 i’d like to book a room.

i’d like to book a room. 我要預(yù)訂一個房間.

i’d like to make a reservation.我要預(yù)訂房間.

i need it for tonight. 我今天晚上要住.

i prefer twww.seogis.comy credit card. 這是我的信用卡.

should i fill out a form? 我該不該填寫表格?

i’d like a quiet room. 我想要一個安靜的房間.

i’d like a room www.seogis.comy room cleaned right nowww.seogis.comuch does it cost? 需要花費多少錢?

howww.seogis.comeeting you

nice meeting you. 很高興認識你.

nice talking to you. 和你談話很愉快.

i enjoyed our chat. 和你聊天很開心.

here’s my number. 這是我的電話號碼.

let’s keep in torch. 讓我們保持聯(lián)絡(luò).

call me if you’d like. 如果你愿意,就給我打電話.

good luck. 祝你好運.

have a great one. 再見.

i hope www.seogis.comake sure you have everything.確定你東西都帶齊了.don’t forget anything. 不要忘掉任何東西.

don’t leave anything behind.不要忘記帶走任何東西.take a second look around. 再到處看看.

check again. 再檢查.

check one more time. 再檢查一次.

better safe than sorry. 安全總比后悔好.

4_12 i’m getting ready to check out.

hello, front desk? 喂,柜臺嗎?

i’m getting ready to check out.我快要準備退房了.

i’ll be dowww.seogis.comake it? 你能來嗎?

you gotta be there. 你一定要來.

you gotta showww.seogis.com looking for a mall

excuse me sir. 先生,打擾一下.

i’m looking for a mall. 我正在找購物中心.

is there a mall around here? 這附近有購物中心嗎?i’m newww.seogis.com looking for a pen.

i’m looking for a pen.我要找一支筆;我想買一支筆.i www.seogis.comething.

here’s a little something. 這是個小東西.

i got this for you. 我?guī)硭徒o你的.

i hope you like it. 我希望你喜歡.

it’s not much. 不值多少錢.

you deserve more. 你應(yīng)該得到更多.

you deserve the best. 你應(yīng)該是得到最好的.

you’re one of a kind. 你非常特別.

you’re so special. 你很特別.

you’re really great. 你真的很棒.

2_07 receiving a gift (1)

thank you so much. 真是謝謝你.

it’s www.seogis.come. 你對我太好了.

i really like this gift. 我真的很喜歡這個禮物.

it’s very useful. 這個東西很實用.

i www.seogis.comuch. 我太喜歡了.

2_10 i’m so lucky!

i’m so lucky! 我真幸運!

i’m really blessed! www.seogis.com a lucky dog. 我真幸運.

2_11 do you need a ride?

do you need a ride? 你要搭便車嗎?

can i give you a lift? 我能送你嗎?(你要搭便車嗎?)

howww.seogis.company. 我喜歡你陪我.

it’d be my pleasure. 這將是我的榮幸

2_12 thanks for the ride.

thanks for the ride. 謝謝你開車載我.

you are a good driver. 你很會開車.

i owww.seogis.comuch. 我學(xué)到好多東西.

you can really teach. 你真是會教.

you’re interesting. 你真有趣.

you make it fun. 你上課很風(fēng)趣.

you’re a terrific teacher.你教得很棒. 1_03 great class (2)

you’re an excellent teacher.你是個很棒的老師.your material is great. 你的教材真好.your methods are useful. 你的方法很有用.you’re never dull. 和你在一起絕不會無聊.you’re full of pep. 你充滿活力.

you keep us on our toes. 你讓我們專心上課.i like your teaching. 我喜歡上你的課.

i like your style. 我喜歡你的方式.

you do a good job. 你教得真好.

1_04 you’re doing fine.

you’re doing fine. 你做得很好.

you got it. 你知道該怎么做.

keep on going. 再接再勵,繼續(xù)努力.

that’s the www.seogis.commend? 你推薦什么?

howww.seogis.comore napkins? 我可以多要一些紙巾嗎?thank you. 謝謝你.

1_08 this is delicious.

mmmmm. mmmmm. 嗯!嗯!

this is delicious. 真好吃.

this tastes great! 真是可口!

i love it. 我太喜歡了.

the flavor is awww.seogis.com full.

i’m full. 我吃飽了.

i’m stuffed. 我吃得很飽.

i can’t eat another bite. 我一口也吃不下了.

i ate too much. 我吃太多了.

i need a rest. 我需要休息一下.

i need to take it easy. 我需要輕松一下.

i’ll gain www.seogis.comind? 你有沒有想到任何地方?

i’ll followww.seogis.come.我每件事都很順利.today is really my day. 我今天運氣真好.

it’s been a long day. 今天真是漫長的一天.

i did so much. 我做了很多事.i learned a lot. 我學(xué)到了很多.


5_01 let me introduce you

do you knowww.seogis.common. 你們兩個有很多共同點.5_02 howww.seogis.com a student. 我是個學(xué)生.

howww.seogis.comeet? 我們在哪里見面好呢?

www.seogis.comething newww.seogis.com game for anything. 我什么都愿意.

5_06 pick a movie.

pick a movie. 挑一部電影.

www.seogis.comy pleasure. 這是我的榮幸.

next time you can pay. 下次你可以付.

5_08 www.seogis.com the crowww.seogis.come. 請原諒我.

i didn’t mean it. 我不是有意的.

it www.seogis.commend it. 我非常推薦它.it www.seogis.comyself a lot. 我玩得很愉快.

you’re good company. 和你在一起很快樂.you’re fun to be www.seogis.com looking for fun

i’m looking for fun. 我在找好玩的地方.

www.seogis.come help. 我需要幫忙.

i’d like your advice. 請給我一些建議.

www.seogis.comuch do i owww.seogis.comade it. 我們到了.

this is it. 就是這里.

this is the place. 就是這個地方.

it looks good. 看起來不錯.

let’s go in. 我們進去吧.

let’s check it out. 我們進去看看.

let’s give it a try. 我們試一試吧.

3_06 table for twww.seogis.come. 我們時間緊迫.

www.seogis.come. 我要熱開水.

that’s it for nowww.seogis.come a moment. 對不起,我離開一下.i’ll be right back. 我很快就回來.

please www.seogis.come to get good –bye. 是該說再見的時候了.i have to get going. 我必須走了.

i hate to leave. 我真不愿意離開.

i don’t want to go. 我不想走.

it’s been a lot of fun. 和你在一起都很快樂.you take care. 你保重.

you take it easy. 你好好保重.

let’s get together again real soon. 我們快再聚一下吧.







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