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“Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?”

網(wǎng)站:公文素材庫 | 時間:2019-05-22 12:29:22 | 移動端:“Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?”
第一篇:"www.seogis.comething special about tonight. www.seogis.comany problems www.seogis.comerica expect more. they deserve and they www.seogis.coms, and to uphold the principles of this nation, many times they have turned to political parties. they have often turned to the democratic party. www.seogis.comly, www.seogis.comental powww.seogis.coment must remove them, seek to remove them.

www.seogis.comy friends, is the bedrock of our concept of governing. this is a part of the reason www.seogis.comes, i could stand here and give this kind of exposition on the beliefs of the democratic party and that www.seogis.comporary condition, and not an irreversible condition.

and nowww.seogis.comise as public officials, www.seogis.comake mistakes, www.seogis.community.

i have confidence that the democratic party can lead the www.seogis.complement that system and realize our destiny.

nowww.seogis.common Good?"

thank you ladies and gentlemen for a very www.seogis.comething special about tonight. www.seogis.coms, and Then i could sit dowww.seogis.com【公文素材庫范文網(wǎng)】

www.seogis.coms, and to uphold the principles of this nation, many times they have turned to political parties. they have often turned to the democratic party. www.seogis.comly, www.seogis.comust have that, www.seogis.comfort of change in order to achieve a better future. www.seogis.com political gains. they represent www.seogis.comore. that is not sufficient reason for the majority of the people of this country to vote democratic. www.seogis.comust look to the future. let us heed the voice of the people and recognize their Common sense. if www.seogis.comerica faces. that www.seogis.come the newww.seogis.comerican people to form a national community. this www.seogis.coment is invigorated www.seogis.comore is required of public officials than slogans and handshakes and press releases. more is required. www.seogis.comerican people it is time for you to be sacrificial; sacrifice. if the public official says that, www.seogis.coment should do everything and that idea, the belief, that government ought to do nothing. strike a balance. let there be no illusions about the difficulty of forming this kind of a national community. it"s tough, difficult, not easy. but a spirit of harmony www.seogis.comprove on the system of government handed dowww.seogis.comy idea of democracy. www.seogis.compt is made to explain howww.seogis.com】

第四篇:Who are you working for?

Who are you working for?








第五篇:Good Will hunting 心靈捕手影評


導(dǎo)演: 格斯·范·桑特

編劇: 本·阿弗萊克 / 馬特·達蒙

主演: 馬特·達蒙 / 羅賓·威廉姆斯 / 本·阿弗萊克 / 明妮·德里弗 / 卡西·阿弗萊克 / 斯特蘭·斯卡斯加德 / 科爾·豪瑟

類型: 勵志

制片國家/地區(qū): 美國

語言: 英語

上映日期: 1998 01 09

片長: 126 分鐘

成長于波士頓南區(qū)貧民窟的孤兒威爾〃杭汀 (Will hunting),注定要經(jīng)歷不堪的童年。他是位絕頂聰明卻叛逆不羈的年輕人。平日除了在麻省理工學(xué)院擔(dān)任大樓的清潔工作之外,便是與三五好友在酒吧喝酒、泡妞、整整哈佛的聰明小孩;一人獨處之時,就就廣泛涉獵各式人文與科學(xué)的新知。某天隨意解答麻省理工學(xué)院數(shù)學(xué)系蘭博教授所留下高級傅里葉公算式,隨即引起學(xué)校師生們的驚異;在與他人打架滋事,并宣判送進少年觀護所之後,蘭博教授便費心地將他保釋出來,要求他參與數(shù)學(xué)研討與接受心理輔導(dǎo)。蘭博教授期望威爾能重視并發(fā)揮自己的天賦異稟,不再踐踏天賦,惡作劇、耍蠢、吹擂而耗費生命;不過,威爾卻毫無不在意,經(jīng)常嘲弄前來為他輔導(dǎo)治療的心理專家。蘭博教授一直固守

著自己的菲爾德獎?wù)虏环牛〝?shù)學(xué)方面的諾貝爾獎),錯誤地認為那就是成功。因為這個緣故他和周圍的朋友一直認為大學(xué)同學(xué)肖恩是個失敗者,出于對名利的追逐,他最終還是找到了肖恩。肖恩與Will談?wù)摳髯詫λ囆g(shù),人生,愛情的看法,了解到Will只不過是個“什么都不知道”的孩子,相似的經(jīng)歷讓他對Will產(chǎn)生惻隱之心,他想幫助Will人生的航向,而不是像蘭博錯誤地認為獲獎便是成功,把自己的價值觀凌駕與其他人之上。他和Will談?wù)撊松,soul mate(心靈之友),以及自己逝去的妻子,但是Will像之前20年一樣對世界抱有抵觸的態(tài)度,防御心理占據(jù)他的整個心靈。他片面地用肖恩的畫來判定肖恩的婚姻是個錯誤,惹怒了肖恩(此時他還沒從妻子死亡的陰影中走出),肖恩冷靜下來后,還是沒有放棄,一次1小時的交談雙方?jīng)]說一句話,也許是Will最終被肖恩的默默的關(guān)懷打動,率先打破了沉寂,他開始和肖恩交流,肖恩循循善誘,試著讓他明白每個人都不是完美的。此時Will還沒有完全放下固有的觀念,因為這個原因他和女友斯凱拉一度分手。斯凱拉一個人去了加州……經(jīng)歷了很多事后,Will又一次找到了肖恩,肖恩問他真正想做的是什么,他說他想當個牧羊人,他此時對自己的人生也沒一個完整的概念,他被肖恩轟出門。他和約翰去拆墻(他之前所認為的榮耀),卻發(fā)現(xiàn)他的天賦一直是別人說艷羨并且嫉妒的,包括蘭博,甚至死黨約翰,約翰的一席話給了Will

很大觸動,他開始思考自己的人生,自己的追求。最終,他不再抗拒他的心扉向世人敞開,他找到了自己的方向,“i have to see the girl ”也許是最好的結(jié)局。肖恩也在與Will的一次次精神碰撞后慢慢從喪妻之痛中走出,選擇了去旅行……看了《心靈捕手》我想說的還是感覺大于語言吧,很有思想深度的一部影片。如果非要說出我能從中得到什么啟示的話,我覺得人還是要守望自己的心靈敢于追隨自己的內(nèi)心吧。




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