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網(wǎng)站:公文素材庫(kù) | 時(shí)間:2019-05-05 15:48:56 | 移動(dòng)端:日常交際英語口語大全

  Absolutely impossible! 絕對(duì)不可能的!

  All i have to do is learn english. 我所要做的就是學(xué)英語。

  Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空嗎?

  Are you used to the food here? 你習(xí)慣吃這兒的飯菜嗎?

  Be careful. 小心、注意。

  Be my guest. 請(qǐng)便、別客氣。

  Better late than never. 遲到總比不做好。

  Better luck next time. 祝你下一次好運(yùn)。

  Better safe than sorry. 小心不出大錯(cuò)。

  can i have a day off? 我能請(qǐng)一天假嗎?

  can i help? 要我?guī)兔?

  can i take a message? 要我傳話嗎?

  can i take a rain check? 你能改天再請(qǐng)我嗎?

  can i take your order? 您要點(diǎn)菜嗎?

  can you give me a wake-up call? 你能打電話叫醒我嗎?

  can you give me some feedback? 你能給我一些建議嗎?

  can you make it? 你能來嗎?

  can i have a word with you? 我能跟你談一談嗎?

  catch me later. 過會(huì)兒再來找我。

  cheer up! 高興起來!振作起來!

  come in and make yourself at home. 請(qǐng)進(jìn),別客氣。

  could i have the bill, please? 請(qǐng)把賬單給我好嗎?

  could you drop me off at the airport? 你能載我到飛機(jī)場(chǎng)嗎?

  could you speak slower? 你能說得慢一點(diǎn)

  could you take a picture for me? 你能幫我拍照嗎?

  Did you enjoy your flight? 你的飛行旅途愉快嗎?

  Did you have a good day today? 你今天過得好嗎?

  Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期過得愉快嗎?

  Did you have fun? 你玩得開心嗎?

  Dinner is on me. 晚飯我請(qǐng)客。

  Do you have a room available? 你們有空房間嗎?

  Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么愛好嗎?

  Do you have some change? 你有零錢嗎?

  Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽煙嗎?

  Do you often work out? 你經(jīng)常鍛煉身體嗎?

  Do you speak english? 你會(huì)說英語嗎?

  Don’t be so modest. 別這么謙虛。

  Don’t bother. 不用麻煩了。

  Don’t get me wrong. 別誤會(huì)我。

  Don’t give up. 別放棄。

  Don’t jump to conclusions. 不要急于下結(jié)論。

  Don’t let me down. 別讓我失望。

  Don’t make any mistakes. 別出差錯(cuò)。

  Don’t mention it. 不必客氣。

  Don’t miss the boat. 不要坐失良機(jī)。

  Don’t take any chances. 不要心存僥幸。

  Don’t take it for granted. 不要想當(dāng)然。

  Don’t worry about it. 別擔(dān)心。

  easy come, easy go. 來得容易,去得快。

  enjoy your meal. 請(qǐng)慢慢享用吧。

  easier said than done. 說明容易做時(shí)難。

  First come, first served. 捷足先登。

  For here or to go? 在這兒吃還是帶走?

  Forget it. 算了吧。

  Forgive me. 請(qǐng)?jiān)徫摇?/strong>

  Give me a call. 給我打電話。

  Give my best to your family. 代表向你們?nèi)覇柡谩?/p>

  Have him return my call. 讓他給我回電話。

  Have you ever been to china? 你去過中國(guó)嗎?

  Have you finished yet? 你做完了嗎?

  Have you got anything larger? 有大一點(diǎn)兒的嗎?

  Have you got that? 你明白我的意思嗎?

  Have you heard from mary? 你收到瑪麗的來信嗎?

  He is in conference. 他正在開會(huì)。

  Help yourself, please. 請(qǐng)自己用。

  Hold your horses. 耐心點(diǎn)兒。

  How can i get in touch with you? 我怎樣能跟你聯(lián)絡(luò)上?

  How do i look? 我看上去怎么樣?

  How is it going? 情況怎么樣?

  How late are you open? 你們營(yíng)業(yè)到幾點(diǎn)?

  How long did it last? 持續(xù)了多久?

  How long will it take me to get there? 到那兒要多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?

  How much is it? 多少錢?

  How often do you eat out? 你隔多久在外面吃一次飯?

  i apologize. 我很抱歉。

  i appreciate your invitation. 感謝你的邀請(qǐng)。

  i assure you. 我向你保證。

  i bet you can. 我確信你能做到。

  i can manage. 我自己可以應(yīng)付。

  i can’t afford it. 我買不起。

  i can’t believe it. 我簡(jiǎn)直不敢相信。

  i can’t resist the temptation. 我不能抵擋誘惑。

  i can’t stand it. 我受不了。

  i can’t tell. 我說不準(zhǔn)。

  i couldn’t agree more. 我完全同意。

  i couldn’t get through. 打不通電話。

  i couldn’t help it. 我沒有辦法。

  i didn’t mean to. 我不是故意的。

  i don’t know for sure. 我不能肯定。

  i enjoy your company. 我喜歡有你做伴。

  i enjoyed it very much. 我非常喜歡。

  i envy you. 我羨慕你。

  i feel like having some dumplings. 我很想吃餅子。

  i feel terrible about it. 太對(duì)不起了。

  i feel the same way. 我也有同感。

  i have a complaint. 我要投訴。

  i have nothing to do with it. 那與我無關(guān)。

  i haven’t the slightest idea. 我一點(diǎn)兒都不知道。

  i hope you’ll forgive me. 我希望你能原諒我。

  i know the feeling. 我知道那種感覺。

  i mean what i say. 我說話算數(shù)。

  i owe you one. 我欠你一個(gè)人情。

  i really regret it. 我真的非常后悔。

  i suppose so. 我想是這樣。

  i thought so, too. 我也這樣以為。

  i understand completely. 我完全明白。

  i want to report a theft. 我要報(bào)一宗盜竊案。

  i want to reserve a room. 我想預(yù)訂一個(gè)房間。

  i was just about to call you. 我正準(zhǔn)備打電話給你。

  i was moved. = i was touched. 我很受感動(dòng)。

  i wasn’t aware of that. 我沒有意識(shí)到。

  i wasn’t born yesterday. 我又不是三歲小孩。

  i wish i could. 但愿我能。

  i wouldn’t worry about it, if i were you. 如果我是你,我就不會(huì)擔(dān)心。

  i’d like a refund. 我想要退款。

  i’d like to deposit some money. 我想存點(diǎn)兒錢。

  i’d like to make a reservation. 我想訂票。

  i’ll be right with you. 我馬上就來。

  i’ll check it. 我去查一下。

  i’ll do my best. 我將會(huì)盡我最大努力。

  i’ll get it. 我去接電話。

  i’ll give you a hand. 我來幫助你。

  i’ll have to see about that. 這事兒我得想一想再定。

  i’ll keep my eyes open. 我會(huì)留意的。

  i’ll keep that in mind. 我會(huì)記住的。

  i’ll pick up the tab. 我來付帳。

  i’ll play it by ear. 我將隨興而定。

  i’ll see what i can do. 我看一看能怎么辦。

  i’ll show you. 我指給你看。

  i’ll take care of it. 我來辦這件事。

  i’ll take it. 我要了。

  i’ll take your advice. 我接受你的忠告。

  i’ll think it over. 我仔細(xì)考慮一下。

  i’ll treat you to diner. 我想請(qǐng)你吃晚飯。

  i’ll walk you to the door. 我送你到門口。

  i’m broke. 我身無分文。

  i’m crazy bout english. 我非常喜歡英語。

  i’m easy to please. 我很隨和。

  i’m glad to hear that. 聽到這消息我很高興。

  i’m glad you enjoyed it. 你喜歡我就高興。

  i’m good at it. 我做這個(gè)很在行。

  i’m in a good mood. 我現(xiàn)在心情很好。

  i’m in good shape. 我的身體狀況很好。

  i’m just having a look. 我只是隨便看看。

  i’m looking for a part-time job. 我正在找兼職工作。

  i’m looking forward to it. 我盼望著這件事。

  i’m lost. 我給搞糊涂了。

  i’m not feeling well. 我感覺不舒服。

  i’m not myself today. 我今天心神不寧。

  i’m not really sure. 我不太清楚。

  i’m on a diet. 我正在節(jié)食。

  i’m on my way. 我這就上路。

  i’m pressed for time. 我趕時(shí)間。

  i’m sorry i’m late. 對(duì)不起,我遲到了。

  i’m sorry to hear that. 聽到這個(gè)消息我感到遺憾。

  i’m under a lot of pressure. 我的壓力很大。

  i’m working on it. 我正在努力。

  i’ve changed my mind. 我已經(jīng)改變主意。

  i’ve got a headache. 我頭痛。

  i’ve got my hands full. 我手頭正忙。

  i’ve got news for you. 我要告訴你一個(gè)好消息。

  i’ve got no idea. 我不知道。

  i’ve had enough. 我已經(jīng)吃飽了。

  if i were in your shoes. 如果我站在你的立場(chǎng)上。

  is that oK? 這樣可以嗎?

  is this seat taken? 這位子有人坐嗎?

  it all depends. 視情形而定。

  it can happen to anyone. 這事可能發(fā)生在任何人身上。

  it doesn’t make any difference. 都一樣。

  it doesn’t matter to me. 這對(duì)我來說無所謂。

  it doesn’t work. 它出故障了。

  it drives me crazy. 它使我快要發(fā)瘋了。

  it isn’t much. 這是微不足道的。

  it really comes in handy. 有了它真是方便。

  it slipped my mind. 我不留神忘了。

  it takes time. 這需要時(shí)間。

  it will come to me. 我會(huì)想起來的。

  it will do you good. 這會(huì)對(duì)你有好處。

  it won’t happen again. 下不為例。

  it won’t take much time. 不會(huì)花很多時(shí)間。

  it won’t work. 行不通。

  it’s nice meeting you. 很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你。

  it’s a deal. 一言為定。

  it’s a long story. 真是一言難盡。

  it’s a nice day today. 今天天氣很好。

  it’s a once in a lifetime chance. 這是一生難得的機(jī)會(huì)。

  it’s a pain in the neck. 這真是苦不堪言。

  it’s a piece of cake. 這很容易。

  it’s a small world. 這世界真小。

  it’s a waste of time. 這是浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。

  it’s about time. 時(shí)間差不多了、是時(shí)候了。

  it’s all my fault. 都是我的錯(cuò)。

  it’s awesome. 棒極了!

  it’s awful. 真糟糕。

  it’s been a long time. 好久不見了。

  it’s better than nothing. 總比沒有好。

  it’s essential. 這是必要的。

  it’s hard to say. 很難說。

  it’s incredible. 令人難以置信、不可思議。

  it’s just what i had in mind. 這正是這想要的。

  it’s my pleasure. 這是我的榮幸。

  it’s no big deal. 這沒什么大不了的。

  it’s not your fault. 不是你的錯(cuò)。

  it’s nothing. 小事情、不足掛齒。

  it’s only a matter of time. 這只是時(shí)間問題。

  it’s out of the question. 這是不可能的。

  it’s time for dinner. 該吃晚飯了。

  it’s up in the air. 尚未決定。

  it’s up to date. 這個(gè)很時(shí)興。

  it’s up to you. 一切由你決定。

  it’s very popular. 它很受歡迎。

  it’s worth seeing. 它絕對(duì)值得一看。

  Just let it be. 就這樣吧。

  Just to be on the safe side. 為安全起見。

  Keep the change. 不用找了。

  Keep up the good work. 再接再厲。

  Keep your fingers crossed. 為成功祈禱吧。

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 免責(zé)聲明:本文僅限學(xué)習(xí)分享,如產(chǎn)生版權(quán)問題,請(qǐng)聯(lián)系我們及時(shí)刪除。
